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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Do I need to Quantum Glide?
    - Comfortable clothing and a good pair of walking shoes - A pair of 'Inner-Vision Seekers' - Black-Out Glasses OR a Sleep Mask - A Phone or MP3 Player with Earphones or Bluetooth with uploaded Quantum Gliding Practices - Stationary Aerobic Equipment - A Renewed Personal Commitment to your health and well being - aka. A Lifetime Practice - The Willingness to allow the quality of your life to transform and sustain itself
  • Is Quantum Gliding Safe?
    Like all sports and physical activity, there are always risks of injury. While Quantum Gliding, you are walking on a treadmill or other stationary aerobic equipment with your eyes closed. Wearing your Inner-Vision Seekers - black-out glasses or sleep mask - helps to keep you in the zone of your glides. The Inner-Vision Seekers function is to keep you in darkness, helping you remain in your practice. During your practice, you must agree to be responsible for your health, well- being and safety. We suggest that your initial gliding practices be done with just your eyes closed and without the Inner-Vision Seekers. This may help you better acclimate yourself on the treadmill. If you choose not to wear the Inner-Vision Seekers, you can still glide while keeping your eyes closed. However, light will still enter through the membranes of your eyelids and might be a distraction. Consider lowering the lights in the room to provide more darkness. Quantum Gliding works best in total darkness because of having the advantage of greater inner focus. Always hold onto the handrails. If your hands come off at any time, place them back on the handles or quickly lift up your Inner-Vision Seekers to see where you are. It is preferable that you Do Not step onto the treadmill or any piece of equipment until you are ready to follow the correct protocol. Be mindful of your speed and the treadmills incline. As a beginner it’s important to set a conservative speed and incline parameters while walking on the treadmill. A lower incline and a slower speed is most appropriate to help you gain awareness of your practice. As you become more familiar with your technique, adjustments in speed and incline are appropriate. Most treadmills have a string attached to a red safety clip. This safety clip is designed to be attached to your body and will automatically stop the treadmill if move too far back. Have the safety clip attached to you at all times to help prevent injury.
  • How Do I Know when it is time to move onto the next level of Quantum Gliding?
    Your Q-Gliding practice is based on self-evaluation and assessment of how well you’re doing. Before moving onto the next level make sure your practice is smooth, easy and effortless and that you've increased the level of your physical challenge with regard to speed and incline. Raising the incline and speed will definitely help make your practice more challenging. Make certain to always remain at a walking pace. Running will pull you out of your gliding practice because your torso will not be able to remain still. Do your best to challenge yourself physically before moving on to the next practice level. Correct posture needs to be consistent at all times. Like in any physical practice, your form is the most important aspect. Advance to the next level only when this is second nature because it is part of creating a strong foundation to your practice. Learning to allow your hips to swivel makes it easier for your torso to remain still, which allows your breathing technique to be smoother and easier. Should your practice shift away frombeing fun, easy or pleasurable at any time, it’s time to adjust the coordinates on the treadmill to a more appropriate level. After each gliding session, ask yourself if you’re ready to move on. Be patient, kind and honest with your self- evaluation as advancement comes soon enough. "Curiosity killed the cat", and can do an injustice to the integrity of your practice. Moving on to the next level out of curiosity before you are actually ready, comes from the illusion that something better awaits. This is Not the case. Quantum Gliding lives in the ‘now’ moment. The ‘grass is not greener’ and your curiosity is what will be pulling you out of all the benefits of your practice. Promise yourself that you will move to the next level Only when you are ready. Remember, Quantum Gliding is a journey to ‘nowhere’. It's your contribution to keep it that way.
  • What am I fully responsible for?
    By purchasing the Quantum Gliding Series, you agree to be fully responsible for your health and well-being and release Treadmill Meditations LLC or any of its employees and affiliates from all liability to any injuries you may incur as a result of your own practice attempts. Being responsible is key to putting integrity into your practice. Treadmill Meditations LLC et al., will be held harmless from every and all accident and death claims. Note: Consult with your health care professionals before beginning your Quantum Gliding Practice. Be certain that you are ready to take on the challenge of creating a healthier mind, body and you.
  • What can I expect to learn from Quantum Gliding?
    You will learn that aerobic exercise isn’t something to suffer over any longer. The awareness of your breath and created intentions will help you breeze through your practice in no time. You will experience that it takes only seconds to return to a place of peace and calm inside your practice. By maintaining a daily practice with devotion, you will automatically experience peace and calm as a natural state of being throughout your day. You will learn correct body posture and special breathing techniques which will make your practice easy and enjoyable. Walking on the treadmill during your Q-Gliding practice is not the same as walking on the treadmill normally. Although you put one foot in front of another to walk, the type of walk used in Q-Gliding is similar to doing the "merengue". This is a dance move that allows your hips to swivel back and forth. You might also consider accentuating and lengthening your normal stride as you walk. Swiveling your hips, in addition to taking longer walking strides, allows the upper part of your body (from your waist on up to your head), to remain as still as possible. This helps your breath to remain steady and smooth, allowing you to breathe more easily.
  • What does the correct posturing look like?
    During Q-Gliding, your focus remains on your inner (or third) eye at all times. Your inner eye is the blank canvas upon which you project all of your created intentions. Your chin is placed parallel to the floor. You elongate your spine by lifting it up from the spines top vertebra. While your spine remains lifted, your shoulders relax into a comfortable position. This is referred to as the ”Four Point Check” and occurs throughout your earlier practices. It helps to reinforce good posture and an optimum gliding experience. Maintaining correct posture while allowing your hips to swivel enables you to experience a smoother walking stride. In addition, this helps to keep your upper body as still as possible in order for your breathing to be smooth, intentional and paced in a counted rhythm.
  • What are the Breathing Techniques used in Quantum Gliding?
    The natural way our body breathes is by using the diaphragm only. This is called “diaphragmatic breathing” and is what’s used during Quantum Gliding. We’re often taught to hold our stomach in tightly and breath through our chest. This is not part of your Quantum Gliding practice. In Q-Gliding, there are a total of three parts to your breathing technique: - Two Part, Three Part and Four Part breathing. - They occur in two different realms of sequence: - Duality Breathing - Oneness Breathing There are two additional breathing techniques used in Q-Gliding: - Compression Breathing - Equalizing Breathing To make this easy to understand, consider that we live in a world of duality. This means we interpret most of life's experiences in opposition. We've created many words in language to have an equal and opposite counterpart. Some examples include male/female, up/down/, good/bad, north/south, pain/pleasure, fat/skinny, rich/poor, love/hate, and so on. This reality is most common to all of us and is part of your Q-Gliding dual breathing visualizations. Duality Breathing techniques will be found in the Q-Gliding Basic Levels I & II and in part of the Intermediate Levels of Quantum Gliding. There is also another world of oneness which occurs simultaneously as duality. In this experience, things are simply the way they are and only synonymous. There is no choosing of opposition. You claim it, and so it is. Consider a glass of water which is filled to the half way mark. In the realm of oneness, it’s neither half full nor half empty (this is an example of duality). But rather, the oneness vantage point interprets that the glass of water simply is the way it is. Quantum Gliding's Oneness Breathing technique is found in the advanced glides. The Dual Breathing sequences include the Two and Three Part Breathing technique. Oneness Breathing is found in the Three or Four Part Breathing techniques. The Compression Breathing Technique is used to remove most if not all of the stale air from the lungs. This technique is done to a guided count and you actively compress the lungs with every exhale, thereby squeezing out all the stagnant air. Compression Breathing is always followed by an Equalizing breath. Finally, Equalizing Breathing is the last breathing technique you will learn. This is done by breathing in and out slowly and deeply, allowing yourself to be in a place of calm and balance. You do this at your own pace, without any guided counts. Equalizing breaths occur after every compression breath and after every set of intentions and are the perfect time to get ready for the next set of intentions.
  • How are the Breathing Techniques done during Quantum Gliding?
    Two Part Breathing Technique - This is an inhale (for a count of 5), followed by an exhale (for a count five). Three Part Breathing Technique - This is an inhale (for a count of 5), followed by a holding of the breath (for a count of 5), followed by an exhale (for a count five). Four Part Breathing Technique - This is an inhale (for a count of 5), followed by a holding of the breath (for a count of 5), followed by an exhale (for a count five), followed by another hold before the next inhale (for a count of 5). Compression Breathing Technique - This is an inhale (for a count of 5), followed by an exhale (for a count of 10). During the Intermediate Levels there is an additional hold in between (for a count of 5). Equalizing Breathing Technique - This is an inhale and exhale done at your own comfortable pace. Note: The synchronicity of your breath with your audio counts: Quantum Gliding encourages your visual intentions to be experienced simultaneously with your aerobic workout session. If there were an order of importance, the priority would be to keep your attention more on your visualized intentions over the synchronicity of your breathing count. If your breathing pattern falls out of the audio breathing sequence, allow yourself to keep breathing until your breath syncs back up. Notice if you judge yourself poorly because of this, or not. It is recommended that you smile and don’t make your self-judgment mean anything. Always be at ease during your entire practice. Self-judgment begins to slip away as you deepen your practice. Your practice becomes easier and quite awesome.
  • What else can I expect to experience?
    As you practice, it becomes clear that Quantum Gliding fuses together mind, body and you, who are spirit. The awareness of yourself as being soul (spirit) becomes more obvious with each glide you take.
  • Is Quantum Gliding something I can ultimately master?
    Similar to yoga and martial arts, one can only deepen their own practice. This is not an experience to master. What is made available after each practice is your awareness of how far you’ve come from where you’ve started. The relevance of this is of little importance. Being in the moment is what’s important. Good posture and keeping your breath in synchronicity improves as you deepen your intentions. You decide when to ramp up the challenge by altering the parameters of the treadmill incline and speed. With a constant intention of synergy, you find yourself deep in the zone of the Quantum Gliding experience.
  • How long and often will I have to Quantum Glide?
    Quantum Gliding is created as a lifetime practice. Making Quantum Glide part of your daily routine is a powerful choice you make to honor your mind, body and you, who are soul and witnessing observer. You do not need to practice at all and can stop at any time. Like eating and sleeping, Quantum Glide is a sourcing of fuel and access to greater awareness, health and well- being. It provides enjoyment when practiced daily because your body and soul knows little about the days of the week. If you happen to experience this awareness early on, you’ll understand how important devotional practice is and never want a day off! The quality of your life will be permanently altered.
  • If I stop Quantum Gliding for an extended period of time, can I begin where I left off?"
    Quantum Gliding is not like riding a bicycle. If there are any significant gaps between practices, refresh yourself with earlier glides and begin slowly until your body and mind are once again acclimated to your practice.
  • What's so special about Quantum Gliding?
    Never before has there been a wellbeing practice that combines a treadmill workout with a guided meditation leading to an amazing depth of experience. It's a sacred, personal and life-altering experience yielded from fusing your mind's intelligence, your body’s physicality and YOU.
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